“Black Box Thinking” aka “Lean Six Sigma”

A well written and engaging twist on #LeanSixSigma.  ‘Black Box Thinking’ a new book by Matthew Syed.  The book deserves to do well. The concepts and methods have already been well documented in Lean Six Sigma however Mr Syed’s book presents them in a way that everyone can relate to. Root Cause Analysis, Continuous Improvement ( #Kaizen ), understanding distribution of probability ( such as Normal Distribution / The Bell Curve ) etc are all covered!  These principles were all well understood, practiced and documented by companies such as Toyota and Motorola, and leaders in process improvement (such as Taiichi Ohno, Joseph Juran and W. Edwards Deming) as far back as the 1960’s… 
What is interesting is that after over 50 years of the World being well aware of these principles for success it is still common for our senior managers, politicians, doctors etc to be ignorant of them. The Western education system is of course at fault. This is good news only for private consultants (such as me), and authors such as Mr Syed !

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